SKU 05-1 Categories: ,


Smooth skin, flat eyes, delicate and exquisite potato taste characterize this variety.


Variety characteristic:

Tacja is a medium height plant with a compact canopy. Tacja sets the tubers high in the ridge. For that reason, deeper planting is recommended to avoid green tubers. Tacja produces an exceptionally large number of tubers. In a favorable year, it can produce up to 40 tubers pro plant. The tubers in the yield are uniform in size, middle sized, with a small number of undersizes. The outstanding attribute of this variety is an optical appearance. Extremely regular shape with very shallow eyes and extremely smooth skin make potatoes of this variety look great after packaging. A noteworthy feature is an increased resistance to common scab. The light sprout is delicate and may break off easily. For this reason, Tacja is not a good pre-sprouting variety.

Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: light yellow
Skin colour: yellow
Tuber shape: round oval
Eye depth: 7,7 – very shallow
Foliage development: very rapid, uniform emergence
Storage ability: 8,0 – very good
Yield: 50 t/ha (according to COBORU) – very high
Dormancy period: medium
Length of the vegetation period: 83 days


Consumption quality:

Cooking type: B – slightly mealy (starch content 12,2%)
Taste: 7,2 – very good
Especially recommended for: steamed and boiled potatoes, baked potato, potato purée, potato dumplings
Market outlet: pre-packing, peeling



PCN: Ro1 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 7,0 – high
Mechanical damage: 6,0 – medium/high
Foliage blight: 3,0 – medium
Tuber blight: 4,0 – medium
Potato virus Y (PVY): 7,0 – high
Metribuzin sensitivity: low sensitive


Site requirements:

Tacja has middle demands to soil quality and fertilization. Due to the tendency of the variety to set a large number of tubers, Tacja has higher water requirements.


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Soil demand

Shape tubers

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