SKU 10-1 Categories: ,


The most valuable advantage of this variety is its great flavour in the salad type – one can say matchless in comparison to other varieties. Light yellow and even creamy flesh in salad speciality.


Variety characteristic:

Oberon is a tall plant with a compact canopy. It produces a high share of oversized potatoes. A high yield of big tubers is formed middle and deep in the ridge. The oval, red-skinned tubers are very homogenous with uniform grading and with low share of undersizes. Additionally, tubers of the Oberon variety possess smooth skin and shallow eyes. A good ability for washing and a nice grading guarantee a good post-packing appearance. The most valuable advantage of this variety is its great flavor in the salad type – one can say matchless in comparison to other varieties. It is highly appreciated, especially by connoisseurs of light potato flesh, because its flesh turns brighter after cooking. Very good suitability for long term storage.

Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: creamy
Skin colour: red
Tuber shape: oval
Eye depth: 7,0 – very shallow
Foliage development: uniform emergence
Storage ability: 9,0 – very good
Yield: 53,1 t/ha (according to COBORU) – very high
Dormancy period: long
Length of the vegetation period: 109 days


Consumption quality:

Cooking type: AB – slightly firm (starch content 11,7%)
Taste: 7,5 – very good
Especially recommended for: salad, steamed and boiled potatoes, packing after peeling



PCN: Ro1 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 6,5 – medium/high
Mechanical damage: 7,0 – high
Foliage blight: 3,0 – medium
Tuber blight: 5,0 – medium
Potato virus Y (PVY): 8,0 – very high
Metribuzin sensitivity: moderately sensitive


Site requirements:

Oberon has middle demands to soil quality, fertilization and higher demands to water supply. Soils in good agricultural conditions are advantageous.

Soil demand



Shape tubers


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