SKU 61-1 Categories: ,


Jasia is a benchmark on the starchy potato market thanks to its exceptionally high starch yield achieved on poor soil types.


Variety characteristic:

Jasia is a tall plant with a very good leaf health. Jasia comes up with a full resistance to PVY and with an excellent resistance to late blight in the foliage. It is tolerant to temporary drought. Jasia is beyond compare to other varieties due to its high yield potential, exceeding 50t/ha. Even though the starch content is not the highest, the starch yield per unit area is very high.

Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: light yellow
Skin colour: yellow
Tuber shape: round oval
Eye depth: 6,2 – rather shallow
Foliage development: uniform emergence
Storage ability: 7,5 – good
Yield: 51,8 t/ha (according to COBORU) – very high
Dormancy period: long
Starch content: 18,5 % (according to COBORU)
Starch yield: 10,0 t/ha



PCN: Ro1, Pa3 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 5,0 – medium
Mechanical damage: 7,0 – high
Foliage blight: 7,0 – high
Tuber blight: 4,0 – medium
Potato virus Y (PVY): 9,0 – resistant, immune
Metribuzin sensitivity: moderately sensitive


Site requirements:

Jasia will meet the expectations of growers when cultivated on poor soils. Jasia has low demands to fertilization. It is worth to minimize the dose of long-acting forms of nitrogen to avoid late maturing.






Soil demand

Shape tubers

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