SKU 40-1 Categories: ,


It reaches a technological suitability for processing around August 25. Excellent appearance of the tubers is in harmony with the high taste rating, which will meet the expectations of gourmets of mealy type potatoes.


Variety characteristic:

Widawa is a tall plant with a compact canopy. This variety proves itself with a very good leaf health. Widawa comes up with an excellent resistance to potato virus Y (PVY). The length of the vegetation period is approximately 108 days. It reaches a technological suitability for processing around August 25. Therefore, the Widawa variety is suitable for an early delivery at campaign start. It has a good tuber appearance with an uniform size distribution, with low share of undersizes. Very shallow eyes and smooth skin ensures a good ability for washing. A nice grading guarantee a good post-packing appearance. An excellent appearance of the tubers is in harmony with the high taste rating, which will meet the expectations of gourmets of mealy type potatoes. Widawa can be used for starch and flakes/granules.

Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: light yellow
Skin colour: yellow
Tuber shape: oval
Eye depth: 6,7 – shallow
Foliage development: rapid, uniform emergence
Storage ability: 7,5 – good
Yield: 47,5 t/ha (according to COBORU) – high
Dormancy period: long
Starch yield: 9,31 t/ha
Length of the vegetation period: 108 days


Consumption quality:

Cooking type: BC – mealy (starch content 19,6% according to COBORU)
Taste: 7,0 – good
Especially recommended for: steamed and boiled potatoes, oven-roasted potatoes, potato pancakes



PCN: Ro1 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 7,5 – high
Mechanical damage: 7,0 – high
Foliage blight: 6,0 – high
Tuber blight: 5,0 – high
Potato virus Y (PVY): 8,0 – very high
Metribuzin sensitivity: moderately sensitive


Site requirements:

Widawa has low demands to soil quality, water supply and fertilization. Due to the extremely strong root system, it is resistant to stress related to an extreme climatic conditions during vegetation. Good tolerance to temporary drought. Tolerant to periodic excess of water. Fertilization should be adjusted to the planned direction of use and harvest date. An excess of nitrogen may extend vegetation of plants and may reduce the starch content.


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Soil demand

Shape tubers

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