SKU 13-1 Categories: ,


Slightly long oval tubers with shallow eyes are recommended for potato pancakes and homemade French fries. A variety destined for QSR.


Variety characteristic:

Initial youth development of Meluzyna variety is hesistant. Emergence of plants is uniform but less intense. Plant growth and canopy development accelerates after row closure. Meluzyna is a medium height plant with a compact canopy. The appearance of the tubers is unique. Meluzyna comes up with oval to long oval tubers with slightly russet skin and very shallow eyes. Meluzyna is a variety being well appriopriate for various culinary preparations. It is especially liked for potato dumplings and homemade French fries and chips. A variety destinated for QSR. It is excellent for potato casseroles with cheese, meat and vegetables. Meluzyna is very suitable for prepackers. It has a good appearance which is ideal for the wash market.

Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: light yellow
Skin colour: yellow
Tuber shape: round oval to lang oval
Eye depth: 7,4 – very shallow
Foliage development: uniform emergence, medium
Storage ability: 7,5 – very good
Yield: 49 t/ha (according to COBORU) – very high
Dormancy period: long, dormant until end of winter
Length of the vegetation period: 104 days


Consumption quality:

Cooking type: B – slightly mealy (starch content 12,8%)
Taste: 6,7 – good
Especially recommended for: potato pancakes, homemade French fries and chips, potato casserole



PCN: Ro1 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 6,5 – medium/high
Mechanical damage: 5,0 – medium/high
Foliage blight: 3,0 – medium
Tuber blight: 3,0 – medium
Potato virus Y (PVY): 8,0 – very high


Site requirements:

Meluzyna has middle demands to soil quality, water supply and fertilization. It is especially suitable for fertile and good-drained soil types. Good tolerance to temporary drought.


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Soil demand

Shape tubers

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