SKU 03-1 Categories: ,


Very early salad variety useful for processing into retail frozen products. 


Variety characteristic:

Lord is a multipurpose ware variety that is suitable for pre-sprouting and cultivation under a plast/fibertex for a very early harvest. After reaching a full physiological maturity, Lord is also suitable for maincrop. Lord is suitable for a long storage period. Its light sprout is thick and strong. Abundant inflorescence. It forms a large number of tubers under favorable conditions. Due to the high-lying tuber nest, it is recommended to plant deeper to prevent the tubers from turning green.

Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: light yellow
Skin colour: yellow
Tuber shape: round oval
Eye depth: 6,8 – shallow
Foliage development: rapid and uniform emergence, intense growth
Storage ability: 8,0 – very good
Yield: 53,3 t/ha (according to COBORU) – very high
Dormancy period: medium
Length of the vegetation period: 89 days


Consumption quality:
Cooking type: AB – slightly firm (starch content 11,8%)
Taste: 7,0 – very good
Especially recommended for: salad, soups, steamed and boiled potatoes, potato casserole. Suitable for processing into frozen, diced potatoes and as peeled, raw potatoes.



PCN: Ro1, Ro2, Ro3 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 6,0 – medium/high
Mechanical damage: 6,0 – medium/high
Foliage blight: 3,0 – medium
Tuber blight: 4,0 – medium
Potato virus Y (PVY): 7,0 – high
Metribuzin sensitivity: slightly sensitive

Site requirements:

Lord has low demands to soil quality, water supply and fertilization. Due to the extremely strong root system, it is tolerant to stress to drought and high temperatures that may occur during a vegetation period.


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Soil demand

Shape tubers

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