SKU 01-1 Categories: ,


Excellent quality of salad type potato. Well-shaped tubers attract with their smooth skin.


Variety characteristic:

Impresja is a tall plant and shows upright habit. Due to the high yield potential and the high-lying tuber nest, it is recommended to plant deeper to prevent the tubers from turning green. The tubers in the yield are uniform in size, middle sized, with a small number of undersizes. Its light sprout is thick and strong. It has a good appearance with homogenous, round oval tubers with smooth skin and very shallow eyes, which is ideal for washed pre-packing market.


Plant and tuber:

Flesh colour: light yellow
Skin colour: yellow
Tuber shape: round oval
Eye depth: 7,8 – very shallow
Foliage development: very rapid emergence, uniform
Storage ability: 7,5 – very good
Yield: 48,0 t/ha (according to COBORU) – very high
Dormancy period: medium
Length of the vegetation period: 88 days


Consumption quality:

Cooking type: A – firm (starch content 10,2%)
Taste: 7,0 – very good
Especially recommended for: salad, soup, steamed and boiled potatoes



PCN: Ro1 – resistant
Synchytrium endobioticum: D1 – resistant
Common scab: 7,0 – high
Mechanical damage: 7,0 – high
Foliage blight: 3,0 – medium
Tuber blight: 4,0 – medium
Potato virus Y (PVY): 4,0- medium
Metribuzin sensitivity: moderately sensitive


Site requirements:

Impresja should be preferably grown on medium soils with a good water supply. It is not suitable for lighter soil types. It needs a sustainable fertilization that is dependent on the cultivation technology. Elevated N-input should be balanced with appropriately high potassium inputs.


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Soil demand

Shape tubers

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